The Facts
Jersey City covers about 9500 acres. Of this a whopping 1600 acres is open green space.
Pretty nice ratio right? So how much of this open green space is in Journal Square? .08 acres. Yep you read that right. Not 8, not .8 but 0.08! That’s about 3400 Sqft or less 1.5 times a an average American house.
And how big is our need vs other neighborhoods in JC?
According to The Trust for Public Land this area ranks as one of the highest priority ones in need of a park in all of Jersey City.
Courtesy The Trust for Public Land
And how many people are in Journal Square?
Based on 2017 census tracts : 40,000 Future projected growth : 58,000
And are they making any more land?
Nope, this is it. With the 2060 JSQ Redevelopment Plan in full swing our area is going to have a new skyline dotted with high-rises, with almost all private land spoken for.
So what does that add up to?
A whole lotta people with more on the way with no public green space to speak of. Courthouse Park is our once in a lifetime opportunity to reshape Journal Square and give us something we so clearly lack.